Plastic Bottles in basket


Packaging for beauty products comes in a wide range of styles, including form, material, dispensing/closure type, and more. The appearance and functionality of the packaging are determined by the product. Some products work best in bottles with pumps, while others work best in tubes with squeeze tops. Similarly, some are better suited to glass jars, while others are better suited to plastic jars. Below, we'll go over some of the most important considerations to make when designing or choosing packaging for beauty products. When it comes to beauty packaging, there are a few things to keep in mind.

1. Packaging Design

Containers for beauty products come in a variety of shapes and sizes, including bottles, jars, and tubes. The style that is used for a specific beauty product is determined by the type of product and how it is used. for example, Eye creams are typically packaged in small jars or tubes to reduce the risk of spoilage before they are used up, whereas shampoos and conditioners are packaged in larger bottles or tubes to improve dispensability.

2. Materials for Packaging

Packaging for beauty products is available in a variety of materials, in addition to style. The best one for a beauty product is determined by a number of factors, including the product's composition, usage instructions, and aesthetics.

Consider the following scenario:Glass is highly inert, which means it does not react with the majority of chemicals. Because of this, it is appropriate for use with beauty products that contain reactive materials, such as essential oils and acids. Glass is completely recyclable.

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is clear, lightweight, and shatter-resistant. These characteristics, combined with its low cost, make it suitable for mass production of beauty products in clear bottles or jars. PET is completely recyclable.

Polypropylene (PP) is a long-lasting, BPA-free, and completely recyclable material. It is frequently used to make opaque jars and tubes.

HDPE is a strong and long-lasting material that is resistant to acids and alcohol. It is also available in a range of transparency (transparent to opaque) and colors, making it ideal for creating custom product bottles. PE is recyclable..

SAN/AS is a high-quality, luxurious-feeling plastic that is tough and rigid, as well as resistant to heat and chemicals. It is possible for it to be as clear as glass.

Metal is increasingly being used by cosmetics manufacturers. The material has a distinct, vintage appearance that helps products like balms, creams, and scrubs stand out from the crowd. Metal can be recycled.

3. Pumps and Closures

Pumps make it simple to dispense from bottles. They come in a variety of styles, including metal vs. plastic and spring vs. airless.

Caps keep the product inside the packaging container when not in use. They come in a variety of styles, including flip top, screw top, disc top, and pull top.

Sprayers allow products to be dispensed in a fine mist that is splatter-free. They come in a variety of styles and sizes, including fine mist and trigger sprayers.

Numerous factors influence the choice of the appropriate distribution/closure component. Container size and product dosage are the two most important. Pumps and caps should be chosen considering the size of the packaging container; Those that are too big or too small will be ineffective and/or ugly. Both must be designed to deliver the right amount of product. Pumps and sprayers, while made of recyclable plastic, are difficult to reuse once assembled.

Understanding Beauty Product Viscosity is Important

When selecting the packaging style, packaging material, and dispensing/closure element, keep the viscosity of the beauty product in mind. Viscosity is the resistance of a material to deformation at a given rate. It is similar to the concept of thickness in liquids (e.g., sugar syrup is thicker than water). Knowing this information can help you predict how the product will behave within the packaging (e.g., high-viscosity products are hard to squeeze out of tubes or pump out of bottles, while low-viscosity products flow easily out of tubes and bottles).

Contact the Packaging Experts at Sarvottam Polymers Today

There are many options when choosing packaging for a beauty product. This wide range of options can make the selection process difficult. Fortunately, the best polymer professionals are here to help! We offer turnkey custom packaging solutions to ensure your beauty product is fully ready for sale. Contact us today to learn more about our capabilities or to talk to our team members about your product packaging needs.

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